Turn to face the sun and the shadows will fall behind you. ~ New Zelander proverb
In my novel, Kelton, a teenage boy, realizes how thankful he is, just a moment too late. So, saying that, I’ve learned to be genuine in my thanks and to show my appreciation always.
This is a work in progress. A list, that I will add to often. But today, the weekend of Thanksgiving in Canada, I will add ten things.
1. Thankful for my family. They are an amazing, smart, funny bunch of very supportive and selfless people. :)
2. My friends. I have friends from childhood, to new friendships just being built. I am thankful for them all.
3. For health. I mean, I don’t sleep well and my thyroid is way out of whack, but overall, I am lucky. I know that. :)
4. For nature. Everyday the outdoors provides me with a sense of wonder whether it be the kaleidoscope of colours in a wild field in fall, the ever changing depth and expanse of the sky or just viewing photos others have taken around the world. How thankful I am that I have so much wilderness at my doorstep and that I have prioritised using it and enjoying it.
5. Canada. I really love my country.
6. My book. When I think back to when I got the idea for the story and the adventures and changes my life has gone through, I am so grateful that I stuck with it and that I had a huge group of cheerleaders along with me.
7. Laughter. I am thankful that everyday I can find the light and use it to keep my spirit up.
8. Freedom. ‘Nuff said.
9. Pumpkin pie made by my mother.
10. Oh and tea. Yes, every day I am thankful for tea.
This is a work in progress. A list, that I will add to often. But today, the weekend of Thanksgiving in Canada, I will add ten things.
1. Thankful for my family. They are an amazing, smart, funny bunch of very supportive and selfless people. :)
2. My friends. I have friends from childhood, to new friendships just being built. I am thankful for them all.
3. For health. I mean, I don’t sleep well and my thyroid is way out of whack, but overall, I am lucky. I know that. :)
4. For nature. Everyday the outdoors provides me with a sense of wonder whether it be the kaleidoscope of colours in a wild field in fall, the ever changing depth and expanse of the sky or just viewing photos others have taken around the world. How thankful I am that I have so much wilderness at my doorstep and that I have prioritised using it and enjoying it.
5. Canada. I really love my country.
6. My book. When I think back to when I got the idea for the story and the adventures and changes my life has gone through, I am so grateful that I stuck with it and that I had a huge group of cheerleaders along with me.
7. Laughter. I am thankful that everyday I can find the light and use it to keep my spirit up.
8. Freedom. ‘Nuff said.
9. Pumpkin pie made by my mother.
10. Oh and tea. Yes, every day I am thankful for tea.